We moved out of our apartment the last weekend of July. We got everything into our cars even the couch and washer and dryer. Our Honda Element is fabulous! We just got cable yesterday as well as our garbage cans. I never thought I'd be excited to see garbage cans, but I did a little jump for joy when I came home yesterday and saw them in the driveway. We have to pay for a private company to pick up our garbage. I mowed my yard for the first time last Sunday. It was as relaxing as I remember. I love push-mowing yards and the fact that it's my own yard makes it all the more wonderful. Tim
weed-eated while I mowed. I told him this makes us official homeowners. An unexpected perk that we have with this house is we have several deer that come to eat the apples under our apple tree every day. They are beautiful. Of course, Tim is now anxious for deer season to get here. Our air conditioner died a few weeks ago, but thankfully it has not been too hot with all the windows open and ceiling fans going. Unfortunately, this lack of air probably contributed to the passing of our
Cocker Spaniel, Lilo. We had to put her to sleep on 8-8-08 because she went into
respiratory distress. She would have loved our tile floors. We are all adjusting to living without her. Lily and Daisy are still doing well. Lily especially loves our back porch. Since we leave the back sliding glass door open when we're here, she spends a lot of time on it. We've nicknamed her "Nature Puppy."
Below are some pictures of out progress. Enjoy!
Our wood floors are just waiting to be put down. Unfortunately those will be one of the last things we do so until then I just get to stare at the boxes.

Our basement is being put to good use as a storage area for our stuff. I'm beginning to wonder how much of it I'll no longer need by the time we're finally able to unpack it all.

The only painted room in the house. My master closet.

Our bedroom "curtains"

Our kitchen may be cluttered and the cabinets may not all have doors, but we are pleased to have the appliances in place at least. We still need to put up the over-the-range microwave. We can finally wash the dishes in the kitchen instead of the bath tub like we've been doing since we moved in the last weekend of July.

Our dining room table. See the tile floors. We still have to add the grout and a few more tiles in the corner, but it's better than the concrete floors we were walking on.

Our favorite decoration so far.