Saturday, June 14, 2008

Our progress

And you thought you had a lot of garbage to take out.

Just in case you wondered if we really did all of our own stunts.

We didn't waste anytime after signing the contract on Tuesday afternoon. We ripped up the carpet in the living room and hall that evening. Mom started ripping off paneling and sheetrock on Wednesday. We got the dumpster delivered on Friday and have already filled it full. We still have to finish up a few spots in the bathroom but otherwise we have the main part gutted. We will gut the kitchen tomorrow and begin jacking up the house. The kitchen is a converted garage so we can work on it while we level out the rest of the house. We are having a great time, but are really tired!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Back from Disney and Ready to Buy our House

We just returned this morning from our fun-filled week at Disney World. We took our final tour of the house this evening and are scheduled to close tomorrow at 4pm. Then the real fun begins!