Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Playing Dress-Up

We have been playing dress-up in the Terry house.

This is Homecoming week at David Crockett High and Tim has been actively participating in the dress-up days. Yesterday was Decade day. He went with the 70's like last year, but skipped wearing the wig he wore last year. I didn't bother to take a picture of him this time, but have posted a picture of him from last year. I so do not miss living in a home with unpainted wall and unfinished floors.

Today was Twin day and the other teachers in his pod decided to all dress in the gothic style today. I don't yet have a picture of the whole group, but I do have the one from this morning. Sexy, huh?

Last Saturday, we hosted a Murder Mystery Dinner Party for friends from karate and their spouses. It had a 50s theme and we had costume suggestions for each of our characters. My character was known as "Pris" whereas Tim was the rebel.

We are being visited by our families this month. My mom is coming up Thursday and staying thru the weekend. Tim's mom and dad are arriving the following weekend to stay thru Wednesday or Thursday. We love it when our families come to visit.
If Tim dresses up as anything else interesting, I'll post them later this week.